800.854.8621 info@napcousa.com

Great sales people know that if you do one thing right, everything else falls into place naturally. Including getting lots of orders! What is that one thing? Building relationships with your customer; which includes listening to their needs, providing helpful information and solutions, having fun and enjoying the experience of working together, and presenting the perfect product for their particular need… consistently over time.

Barb Morris, one of our top sales reps, knows this well and it shows in her history with Fairborn Cement Company. Because of her efforts in building her relationship with the company, they have remained a loyal customer of Barb’s for many years.

With this foundation of trust, new management had the confidence to come to her when they needed a new design for a sample kit to hold actual MIAMICOLOR prepared mortar in joint sized channels for a realistic representation of the colors. After much discussion, prototypes, design, and material options, and everyone’s ideas bounced about, the final product is functional and great looking. And one that Fairborn Cement Company is proud to highlight their samples in.

Features include

  • 4 Color Process Printing
  • Soft Touch Matte Lamination
  • Hinged Lid with Magnetic Closure
  • Foam Die-cut Insert
  • Sized to Hold Exactly 25 Sample Channels Perfectly in Place

MIAMICOLOR is available in 44 standard colors and offers a wide range of possibilities. Initial selection of colored masonry cement may be made using Fairborn Cement Company’s MIAMICOLOR sample kit. The kit contains joint sized channels for a realistic representation of size and color.

Barb enjoys working with the great people at Fairborn Cement Company and looks forward to many years of providing great product and service to them.

Contact Barb directly for Marketing and Sales Kits, Custom Packaging and Binders

For more about Fairborn Cement Company, call 800.762.0040 or visit their website

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